having fun

having fun

Thursday, November 26, 2009


What a great day.  8 for dinner.  Brian did most of the cooking . He and his dad the the lions share of today's events.  We are truly fortunate - it has been a marvelous day.  And it has sort of rained all day and that is fine.  

Still don't know how to upload a photo from this remote Mac.  Will try harder.  

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We are in Portland visiting one child and headed to airport to pick up the other.  Life just couldn't be too much better.  Weather is crisp - thank heavens for tank tops for those of us who live in more temperate climates.  (I am a wimp, just ask my family).

Will send photos when I figure out how to upload them from this portable machine.

Happy Thanksgiving - j

Friday, November 20, 2009


I was in Joann's this morning and they are getting their Valentine fabric in.

I am still missing summer.

This year I have tried to incorporate the word PEACE in my work. These puppets are just one example. They just make me smile - that was part of their job assignment.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

the line between warm and cool

My quilt - "the line between warm and cool" has returned. It premiered in July at the Long Beach IQA show. Then appeared at the mother of all quilts show in Houston. BUT the really big part is, it was selected to be in the Oct/Nov issue of Quilting Arts Magazine. I cannot tell you the page but it is still on the news stands.

It is made of batik fabrics from Ghana and is available - if you might like it. Email for details. But between here and then, I am putting it on my wall - I love it. Can you find the line? Sort of a where's waldo game. j

Monday, November 2, 2009


Today is the following Monday, we are in November.

Woman's Conference ended Tuesday evening. I watched the Minerva Awards on the sofa with a glass of wine. I wish I had been "in the room" while Jane Goodall spoke. I am not easily impressed but people making a difference impress me.

That was Tuesday. Helped hang a Quilts on the Wall gallery show on Wednesday, in Whittier. Email me, I will give you the details. Thursday I laid down - I had it penciled in on my calender. Friday evening - about 9 p.m., Tom and I headed out for Joshua Tree, the town not the park.

We spent Saturday and Sunday touring about 25 artists homes/studios near Joshua Tree, Ca. We have been attending these open studios for about 8 years. We pile into cars, drive from studio to studio. Great fun. Some great art. Some not so great art. Some fabulous homes/studios. Some not so hot homes/studios. Like dropping into other peoples reality and hopefully with little judgment involved or apparent. We just have fun and we buy art. Some of us buy more than others.

This year we had 8 in our party - 2 cars of 4. When we arrived, they thought the tour bus had arrived.

We stayed at the home of a friend. Her mission is to commune with nature and God's creatures and to photograph them. She encourages and feeds the wild life, whether she is there or not. Automatic feeders. The coyotes and bobcats seem to know when she is in residence. These pictures were taken in the morning, before 9, out an open sliding glass door and she/he is about 10 feet away. Tom actually took these, he has way more patience than I do.

Now for the open studio, my favorite photo is: I love chairs and at some point could do one of those little 5x5 books on chairs and where they reside.

These photos were taken at the studio of Bobby Furst - a metal artists. Amazing